
How to make your data sources AI-ready: Step-by-step

How to make your data sources AI-ready: Step-by-step

**Generative AI has revolutionized chatbot training. What once took hours is now completed in minutes. BUT, (there's always a but), the effectiveness of a Generative AI-trained chatbot heavily depends on the quality of its data sources. So, what constitutes a "good" data source for a GenAI chatbot,…

Matilda Elfman
Apr 11, 2024
An intro to Generative AI: Definitions & applications

An intro to Generative AI: Definitions & applications

Over a year has passed since ChatGPT was released, and a global Generative AI hype commenced. Suddenly, terms like GPT, LLM, tokens, and hallucinations are everywhere, as if we're all supposed to be tech experts?! If you're feeling…

Matilda Elfman
Apr 02, 2024